Sunday 9 March 2014


Rasa and dhvani are the two most central aspect of ancient India. Anandavardhana was the author of Dhvanyaloka, his work articulating the philosophy of "aesthetic suggestion". The philosopher Abhinava gupta had a significant contribution to it. He has been credited for developing dhavni theory. Dhvani basically means sound or the soul of any poem. This also creates emotions within the audience. It has a sensitive, but indirect connects the writer and its reader. It can be connected to semantic theory which consists of same sounds, signs, etc. Poems bring out that emotional factor or language from the audience. Dhavni relates to meanings and the power of words it has, so hence dhvani is the basis of all rasas.

            Basic principle of dhvani is sphota vada, meaning words which are separated by splitting a sentence. Sphota has derived from words like pada meaning word and vakya meaning sentence. It is basically from his last sound of the entire word which is derived together by producing a sound. In Sanskrit sphota means 'antima buddhi graahya' or what is known by the last word, sphota it is also 'antima varna graahya' , or what is known by the last syllable as even the last alphabet. Dhavni can be basically used for indicating symbol, meaning, power of word to convey certain meaning, certain meanings, etc. there are three classifications given to this dhvani by Ananda, and also adds certain meanings to it. Amongst the three the first one is 'loukika', 'kaavya vyaapaara gocara' and alanknara dhvani. Vastu dhvani is a part of dhvani with some rare facts and ideas. Alankaara dhavni figure outs the speech in it. And the last one includes every rasa in it. Poems or dhavni is an element of peace of mind where the person is consciously aware of things, which gives him the desired freedom, harmony, and state of peace.
            Poetry is basically a combination of verbal structure and verbal elements, which also constitute semantics in relation to the poetry. Along with semantics there also comes linguistic, philosophy, morphology and other subjects which relate to it. Dhvani is the backbone of all movies. Dhvani is nothing but sound just another medium of communication. Sound is the main factor through which we understand the basic needs. During 60’s there were hardly films which had sounds, but mostly there were silent movies. But they were using sub tilts or signs or expressions to indicate the things. But then as the technology emerged people started using it and utilising the technology. Like the movie which was made by Alfred Hitchcock – the psycho. In this movie the sound played a crucial role. Next is the exorcist where the screaming, insulting, ghost sounds had a great impact on the audience.
            Silent is also a sound which explains the intensity of every moment used for particular movie scenes. After all every surprising element comes with a sound which affect the person deeply. Poetry has that element of ancient culture that it has been marked in golden words and is important in understanding the concepts. Hence, dhavi is the highest joy in the nature of consciousness. The person needs t be completely freedom everything so that then he can enjoy the dhvnai. As then the person gets an experience in the divine way. It is caused by the degree of joy which is caused by the variations in the elements.

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